David Christopher Orrell

Dog Day Afternoon

A photo dump of Oliver taking naps around the house…                               

Taking photos of Oli has been amazing practice for a hermit such as myself, especially when there’s a pandemic happening outside. I’ve gotten really good at being light on my feet and quick with my trigger finger, and given the sound of the shutter from the camera, I usually have only but one chance to capture the moment. Sometimes I’m successful, and other times the creek in the floor caused by the pressure of my big toe as I go to take a step closer is all it takes for his blue/brown eyes to shoot open. However, that’s the thrill of taking these photos. And besides, there’s always another opportunity to photograph him because he’s so easy to sneak up on, which I love because it’s an indication that he feels safe and is at total peace in his new home. He even likes to sleep on the stairs from time to time, but that requires next-level ninja art photographic skills that I have yet to master. To be continued…

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